The road signs mini album was perfect for a Road Trip memory album. Coming home from a weekend crop, my friend, G-a,(www.knkclub.com) experienced a blow out on the trailer she was towing for all of our crop gear. The trailer had experienced a fault in the construction and the metal rubbed the tire, causing it to blow. G-a proved to us all what an expert driver she is as she pulled into the side of the road smoothly preventing a possible accident. Our friends, Linda and Elle (www.hilltopmemories)were behind us on the road, saw what had happened and waited while help came. One of our gals had a plane to catch and Elle and Linda, once again came to the rescue by taking Jill with them so she would not miss her flight. Sonia, Barb, G-a and I went to the nearest Wally World, got a new tire and Elle and her wonderful hubby drove a ways to help us fix the metal so it would not cause a second blow out. What more could anyone ask for but such wonderful friends. And what better way to remember the event than with the road sign mini album from Genuinely Jane Studios (www.genuinelyjane.typepad.com). Be sure to visit to see all the wonderfully shaped albums available.