Many thanks, Smoochie Girl Roz, for this and for Angie (http://3littlescraps.blogspot.com/) who also gave me this award!
WYLDE WOMEN award and the purpose of it is "to send love and acknowledgment to women who brighten your day, teach you new things and live their lives fully with generosity and joy". Isn't that lovely?
The rules are:
You can give it to one or one hundred or any number in between - it's up to you.
Make sure you link to their site in your post.
So here are my picks: Pam from KNK and ACOT for her seemingly bottomless well of energy and love and her remarkable ability to be so creative! And, she is a fellow wine lover to boot! and to Carla from KnK and Scrapbook News and Review for her spirit of care and concern and her optimism. Then there is dear Anne who gives us all absolution and to Janet M who helps us need it!
And now for a couple of international gals: my dear pal, Clare from NZ, who opened a whole to new vista for cooking for E and to whom I am thankful for the little book of love poems from which I read to E while he is cooking. Food has never tasted so heavenly. And to Ruth, my sweet friend in Australia, who has such purpose to her life and lives with such integrity.
So many others I could name and many have already gotten this award (ahem, Chris, Kip, Linda, Teri, Mama Jayne et al)...perhaps I only know Wylde Women and more is the blessing!
Here are the gals' links in order
Pam B http://pambennett-afewofmyfavoritethings.blogspot.com
Carla http://reallifewithcarla.blogspot.com
Anne http://reverentirreverence.blogspot.com
Janet M http://stellaruby.typepad.com
Clare http://smallworldofthemadcow.blogspot.com
Ruth http://www.sillyaboutscrapping.blogspot.com