For the lovers of lovely and vintage and steampunk and tons and tons of pretties, this boutique is the cat's meow! I first learned about this shop from my friend, Kathy Nelson. We were suppose to go about two years ago but something came up and we didn't. Then, my Book Club buddy, Glo, suggested we go around Christmas time . Armed with our coupons, she, Sandi and I hit the store at a run after fortifying ourselves at Peggy O'Neals for lunch.
And I fell in love...I mean, what is not to love about all these goodies and more. And the best thing about Shoppe Around the Corner is the fact the profits go to support Meals on Wheels.
For those of you who do not live in the Palm Harbor, Fl area, there is an online shop as well. Check it all out here at
Shoppe Around the Corner.

This place is pure eye candy and the stock changes with the seasons. I fell in love with all the lovely bunnies and Easter pretties and, they had gnomes!

I had to take Jo there today as I had been talking her ear off about the place almost since she had arrived...oh and the best news today...she and Bill are pretty well decided on 3 mo. next year instead of just too! Yahooo.

I am so inspired by this store and I may not sleep tonight for all the ideas running through my mind.

Hope your week is a lovely one!