All of us have people on our holiday shopping list for whom it is hard to buy...a fifteen year old nephew, a uncle or aunt who has everything, the child of a friend and, in many of these cases, the solution to the problem is a gift card. While giving a gift card is not my first choice, it is often the best one to make. Rather than buy one of the ready made cards in the card store for gift cards, I have elected to personalize the card holder even if I can not personalize the gift itself. Using a template, I created library book pockets out of card stock and heavy patterned papers; I downloaded images from the internet and printed them onto textured or canvas papers, embellished them with Stickles, glitters and paints and added the trims. I made handles for each so these can hang on a tree as well. Hope your enjoyed these.
I believe your next stop is Lynda's blog (http://positive-force.blogspot.com/) Enjoy our blog hop.