and I couldn't get it out of my mind. I know...I know, I am rushing the season. But, if I had my way, we'd celebrate the holidays about 50% of the year. So, you'll just have to bear with me...I'm old, ok? lol
Actually, a friend of mine has a Christmas tree that is quilted, four sided and stuffed. It is darling but I don't have a lot of fabric and, even if I did, I don't sew! This is my version of the her quilted table topper. I free sketched half a tree onto a piece of 8.5x11 chipboard. I made sure that, at it's widest, it was only 6 inches. Using the first as a template, I traced and cut 3 more. After taping them together, I covered them with papers, cut outs from other papers (see the packages at the bottom and the holly leaves, and glitter glued wherever the mood stuck me. The hanging "ornaments" on the bottom branches are, of course, wine glass charms. Now, you know I had to work wine in here some how, didn't you? I'm thinking that small photos might be fun to put on the 'branches' of holidays past?
I had such fun making this. If you would like dimensions or paper names, please drop me an e-mail at eeickmeier@hotmail.com. Thanks for taking a look/see!
Returning you now to your regularly scheduled October!