Italian, of course! and so close to the English word, romance. We probably stole that from them! Long before I traveled to Italy, I was entranced with all things romantic...the meeting, the glance of eyes, the exchange of sighs, the seduction...(splash...a dash of cold water to bring me back to the topic at hand!). In short, I have always wanted to create the ultimate tribute to ROMANCE...and if this isn't it, I am so close I can taste it.
This is my class for the MS Crop for Hope in November for KnK. Those who take the class (or who want one of the kits...e-mail me)will get velvet, tissue, ribbons, an 8x8x4 paper mache box to hide the album that offers an opportunity to tell all...or not! Ribbons and lace and pearls...what more could a girl ask for? Well, if you have to ask, perhaps you should sign up to take the class or get a kit and find out!
See you at the MS crop!